Larissa's Story
As the CIO (Chief Inspirational Officer) of the Gr8tful Tribe and founder the Cultivate community, Larissa’s mission is to help others cultivate gratitude daily. One of her favorite quotes is “Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure!” (Author Unknown) Gratitude is the difference between allowing our circumstances to control us versus learning from the experience and adjusting our attitude accordingly. Larissa wants to help people see that difference and experience that difference through cultivating gratitude.
Also known as Gr8tful Chick, Larissa has had the pleasure of live broadcasting since the summer of 2015. She started on the Periscope app, and can now be found on Instagram and Facebook where she continues to share encouragement and her love for Jesus.
Larissa believes God called her to broadcasting so she could share how to continue to cultivate gratitude even in the toughest seasons of our lives. She has personally been cultivating gratitude for over 9 years. She began her broadcasting adventure a year after her Marine husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer and has lived out gratitude in the chemo cube; while her husband was puking in the bathroom; and even the morning that he met Jesus face to face on Sept. 17th, 2020.
Larissa continues to carry Bill’s legacy as she walks out this new season that God has her in. She loves connecting with people via broadcasting, on social media, through her Gr8tful Workshops, and as the founder of the Cultivate Community. One of her favorite ways to connect is spending time getting creative with other women and pouring into their lives. Her hope and prayer is that whoever God connects her with they will see that cultivating gratitude changes everything!!!!